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    Hebron Municipality and PICTI Sign MOU |
    Hebron Municipality and PICTI Sign MOU

    The Mayor of Hebron, Dr. Daoud Zatari signed a Memory of Understanding (MOU) between Hebron Municipality and the Palestine Information and Communication Technology Incubator (PICTI), with a view to build cooperation in different fields and sectors particularly  in the field of IT, also, to incubate creative ideas and projects. the signature ceremony was attended by the C.E.O of PICTI, Hassan Omar as well as Members form Hebron's Municipal Council.
    After welcoming, the Mayor stressed the important role of the Business Incubator on recent graduate students as well as on  owners of creative ideas, and underlined that Hebron Municipality provides the total support to those projects to be implemented on the ground at one of its affiliated social centers, and it then aims to release the incubated startups projects to the Palestinians Market to let the owners of projects starting their own enterprises .
    Eng. Omar expressed his happiness to sign such a MOU, adding that this approach will surely serve the Youth Sector, create job opportunities for the graduate students well as curb the unemployment rate in the Palestinian Society. 
    After the signature of the MOU, the Mayor Zatari declared the incubation of the first joint project between the two sides. The projects is of a Device reduces of suffocation inside the vehicles in order to save the lives of children inside the closed vehicles, and it's worth mentioning that concept of the mentioning project comes from Mrs. Ruba Natsheh.  
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