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    Hebron Municipality Hosts Swedish Youth delegation from the Socialist Democratic Party |
    Hebron Municipality Hosts Swedish Youth delegation from the Socialist Democratic Party

     Hebron Mayor, Dr. Daoud Zatari, met with a Swedish youth delegation from the Socialists Democratic Party chaired by Richard Kompass, Board Member Social Democratic Party, who was accompanied by a group of Swedish youth. The meeting aimed at discussing the opportunities of cooperation and exchanging experiences among Hebron and many Swedish Cities. 

    After welcoming the delegation, Dr. Zatari spoke about the political and security conditions in the city, its geography and history, well as the city unjust division into H1 and H2, the southern area of Hebron which is totally under the dominance of the Israeli Occupation.
    He then touched on Israeli Soldiers' measures and violations against Old City inhabitants under the pretext of protecting the settlers. He also described the daily suffering that the Old City's students face on their way to school, and the closing down of Al Shuhada Street that badly affect the economic status. Dr. Zatari said" the Israelis' obstructions prevent Hebron Municipality from implementing projects and providing assistance to the Citizens".
    Dr. Mayor outlined the overall services by the Municipality aimed at enhancing the living condition of the citizens, and spoke about the municipal facilities that embrace different youth, sport and cultural activities. He called the visited delegation to promote the ties between Hebron and other Swedish cities in terms of exchanging experiences and culture.
    On his Part, Mr. Kompass thanked the mayor for the warm reception and hospitality, and expressed his admiration for the Palestinians' endurance and constant defend to get beck their rights. He underlined that he is working on a joint project gathered between Hebron Municipality and Swedish cities that's seeking at exchanging the experiences and culture among the youth. By the end of the meeting, a reportage about Hebron was displayed.  
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