Hebron municipality condemned strongly on Sunday, the recent transfer of military roadblocks in the old city of Hebron to border crossings by the Israeli occupation forces, where they made changes and reinforcements at Al-Sahleh checkpoint, "Abu Al-rish ", located south of Hebron, by placing a banner welcoming people to the military crossing point in both Arabic and Hebrew considering the barrier as a crossing point.
Hebron municipality considers this measure as a dangerous indicator that exposes the occupation plans for annexation and is considered as an introduction to the plan of the occupation government and the settlers to narrow the paths of the crossings, thereby increasing the suffering of citizens passing through these barrier.
Hebron Municipality and the Hebron Rehabilitation Committee fear that the procedures and designations that have been created and applied to the 160/"Salaima " Checkpoint during the past period, and applied to Al-Sahleh checkpoint recently, will be applied to the six barriers in the old city and will change the status of the military roadblocks to crossings borders, especially after close the roads, the small openings and sub-streets in the area deliberately to push and force citizens to pass through these roadblocks.